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- Canada »
Crockart, James Bissett
(English version follows)
JAMES BISSET CROCKART, (Groupe de Beaver Hall)
Le peintre canadien James Bisset Crockart naît le 19 juillet 1885 à Stirling, en Écosse. Il étudie à la Glasgow School of Art. Apprenti chez un architecte de 1902 à 1909, il devient assistant de l'un des principaux architectes du secteur des arts et de l'artisanat en Angleterre. Il émigre au Canada en 1911 et vit à Montréal où il travaille pendant 8 mois chez Saxe & Archibald. Puis, à Saskatoon, il forme un partenariat avec Robert M. Thompson. En 1914, il sert outre-mer pendant la 1ère guerre mondiale. Après 1920, il travaille à Montréal comme artiste commercial et designer industriel jusqu'en 1940. Il devient membre du groupe Beaver Hall en 1921. Il meurt à Huntington, au Québec, le 19 avril 1974.
The Canadian painter James Bisset Crockart was born on July 19, 1885 in Stirling, Scotland, and studied at the Glasgow School of Art. Apprentice to an architect from 1902 to 1909, he became assistant to one of the leading architects of the arts and crafts sector in England. He emigrated to Canada in 1911 and lived in Montreal where he worked for 8 months at Saxe & Archibald. Then, in Saskatoon, he formed a partnership with Robert M. Thompson. In 1914, he served overseas during the 1st World War. After 1920, he worked in Montreal as a commercial artist and industrial designer until 1940. He became a member of the Beaver Hall Group in 1921. He died in Huntington, Quebec on April 19, 1974.