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(English version follows)
Le peintre figuratif canadien Philip Surrey utilise Montréal comme décor. Élève de Frederick Varley du Groupe des Sept, il est lié a plusieurs artistes et écrivains. À 16 ans, il suit les cours à la Winnipeg School of Art. En 1929, il est à la Vancouver School of Decorative and Applied Arts. En 1936, il est trois mois à l’Art Students League de NY. En 1937, à Montréal, Surrey peint, fréquente le milieu artistique et débute un travail qui durera 25 ans au journal Standard. En 1964, il peint avec salaire et le fera durant 12 ans. À la fin des années ´30, ses toiles se ressentent de la Dépression! Il reçoit la Médaille du Centenaire (1967), un doctorat honorifique de l’Université Concordia et l’Ordre du Canada.
Canadian figurative painter Philip Surrey uses Montreal as a backdrop. Pupil of Frederick Varley (Group of 7) he is linked to several artists and writers from the 1930s and 1940s. At 16, he attended evening classes at the Winnipeg School of Art. In 1929, he was at the Vancouver School of Decorative and Applied Arts. In 1936 he was 3 months at the Art Students League in NY. In 1937, in Montreal, he painted, attended the artistic community and worked for 25 years at the Standard newspaper ... In 1964, he painted full time with salary and did it for 12 years. At the end of the 1930s, preoccupied with the Depression, his paintings were affected. He received the Centennial Medal (1967), an honorary doctorate from Concordia University and the Order of Canada.