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(English version follows)
Le peintre canadien Andy Wooldridge nait en 1949 à R.A.F. Abyad, Égypte. Il est élevé et éduqué à Birmingham et Hereford, en Angleterre. De 1952 à 1965, il est illustrateur au sein du Royal Army Medical Corps. En 1978, il vit en Israël où il expose à Jaffa. En 1979, il vit et peint en Australie pendant six mois. Puis, en 1980, il vend des paysages et des miniatures à Liberty & Co., Londres. Ensuite, il suit une formation formelle au Southampton College of Art and Design. En 1984, il immigre au Canada où en 1987, il conçoit de grandes peintures murales pour la Victoria Downtown Association. Plus tard en 1988, en Papouasie-Nouvelle-Guinée, il peint une série sur la vie et les mythes de la région du fleuve Sepik. En 1995, en Australie, il débute sa «série Waterfront». En 1997, il est à la faculté d'art et de design du Victoria College. Enfin, en 2007, il est élu «Artiste en résidence» à vie au «Painters at Painters Lodge».
Canadian painter Andy Wooldridge was born in 1949 at R.A.F. Abyad, Egypt. He was raised and educated in Birmingham and Hereford, England. From 1952 to 1965, he was an illustrator with the Royal Army Medical Corps. In 1978, he lived in Israel where he exhibited in Jaffa. In 1979 he lived and painted in Australia for six months. Then, in 1980, he sold landscapes and miniatures to Liberty & Co., London. Then he followed a formal training at Southampton College of Art and Design. In 1984, he immigrated to Canada where in 1987, he designed large murals for the Victoria Downtown Association. Later in 1988, in Papua New Guinea, he painted a series on the life and myths of the Sepik River region. In 1995, in Australia, he began his “Waterfront series”. In 1997 he was in the Faculty of Art and Design at Victoria College. Finally, in 2007, he was elected “Artist in Residence” for life at the “Painters at Painters Lodge”.