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(English version follows)
Le peintre victorien John Atkinson Grimshaw est célèbre pour ses vues sombres des chantiers navals et ses scènes nocturnes de ruelles urbaines. Fils d'un ex-policier, il peint dès qu’il devient employé pour le Great Northern Railway. Fasciné par la photographie, il peint des scènes dans lesquelles le clair de lune et les ombres sont les plus frappantes. Il peint Glasgow, Liverpool, Londres et autres villes. Paysages, portraits, scènes d'intérieur, images de fées, etc.. sont ses sujets néoclassiques. Il n'expose que cinq œuvres à la Royal Academy. Il subit un désastre financier en 1879, quitte sa maison de Scarborough et loue à Londres un studio à Chelsea. Il retourne à Knostrop où il meurt en 1893. Trois de ses enfants devinrent peintres.
Victorian painter John Atkinson Grimshaw is famous for his grim views of shipyards and night scenes of urban lanes. Son of a former police officer, he painted as soon as he became an employee of the Great Northern Railway. Fascinated by photography, he paints scenes in which moonlight and shadows are most striking. He painted Glasgow, Liverpool, London and other cities. Landscapes, portraits, interior scenes, images of fairies, etc. are his neoclassical subjects. He only exhibits five works at the Royal Academy. He suffered financial disaster in 1879, left his home in Scarborough and rented a studio in Chelsea in London. He returned to Knostrop where he died in 1893. Three of his children became painters.